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Darren "G'day Bruce" Steele

Updated 14th Dec 2000.

So I sit here composing this in Manchester after a rather eventful move from Germany back to England. The move itself is worth a journal just so that I can utterly slag off Steven "The Penis" Parker for trying to stitch me up over the furniture, and to give thanks to Stuart and Eva for assisting me in my move.

However, the journal will just have to wait until I return from my trip to Australia. In about 3 hours I must board my flight to London where I will meet up with the usual team....Ryan, Jaz, Aggs et al. On Sunday Ryan and I fly off to Sydney for a Christmas/New Year session to end all sessions.

I shall be returning to these shores on the 10th January and will be flying back up to Manchester on the 11th when I hope to be trying to find myself a job, a car and an that order.



Copyright 1998 - 2000 Darren Steele - All Editorial content and graphics on this site are utterly stealable for non-profit making activities.
Should someone wish to write a book about my life and loves [ or lack of them ] then contact me and I'm sure you'll find me a very easy person to deal with.

One last point, you may have noticed that this site looks very similar to
This is no accident. I utterly ripped off their site as a temporary measure.
If you happen to be a legal representative of then relax. It's only temporary, and I use Linux so bleeeaaaghhhh. Plus I've linked to your site god-damnit.